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Inauguration of the Academic Year 2022-2023


Updated: Dec 25, 2022

The Inauguration of Academic Year 2022-2023 in Don Bosco Theological Centre was held on 06 June 2021. Fr. K. M. Jose, The Provincial of the Salesian Province of Chennai and Chairman of Don Bosco Theological Centre presided the occasion as the Chief Guest.

The event began with a short prayer service animated by the 4th-year students. Fr. Bellarmine, The Rector presented the welcome address and highlighted the importance of the event. He encouraged the students to excel in academics and to set high standards. Fr. Emmanuel Maddichetty, Principal, presented the academic chronicles of 2022-2023. He also expressed his thanks to the staff and students for their cooperation during the pandemic situation. He encourages to students make their stay a beneficial one.

The Handbook for the academic year 2022-2023 was released by Fr. K. M. Jose and the first copy was received by Fr. Bellarmine, The Rector.

Fr. K. M. Jose, The Provincial, in his presidential address, spoke on the importance of Theological studies and its significance in making the students as men of convictions.

Fr. Emmanuel Maddichetty explained the roles and responsibilities of the faculties for the upcoming academic year. He also welcomed the new professors Fr. Aswanth Amalraj and Fr. Stanley Jayakumar. He thanked Fr. Charles Panackel, Fr. Don Bosco Augustine, Fr. Cassius Correya and Fr. Suresh Felix for their yeomen service to the institution and have now appointed to various other ministries.

Fr. Bellarmine, The Rector also welcomed the first years who have joined us this year: 7 from INM, 2 from INT, 3 from Vincentian congregation and 3 from MSTC. He wished them for the success of their theological formation and inspired them for an academically rewarding stay in DBTC.

Br. Albin proposed the vote of thanks, and the inaugural session concluded with a hymn to Don Bosco.



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